
Riitiir : Enslaved


RiitiirThe founding fathers and moral leaders of the Norwegian black metal scene have come out with their newest called Riitiir.

And again, they explored the frontiers of this genre with clear and tangential  song structures combined with baroque arrangements pushing the limits towards progressive metal elements and harmonic intervals. The albums is a sort of a crossover blend bewteen Opeth,Anathema and Ghost Brigade (one of my favorites).

The album combines the darkest elements of black metal, the melodic elements of Progressive and some older Punk (!! that’s right) inspired parts. The binome Grutle Kjellson (soar black metal voice) and melodic tactician Herbrand Larsen are a perfect match and has a big influence on this album.

It is in fact THE factor that makes this album to stand out and to excell between hundreds of identical black metal albums that have seen the light every year.

Unlike and in contradiction much of the black metal guitar scenery, the complex structural guitar is somewhat schizophrenic and takes the listener more than once to unexpected horizons and unexplored melodic tryouts. Highlights of the albums : Thoughts Like Hammers and Roots of the Mountain.
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