Author - Metalheadrock


Kindly Bent to Free Us – Cynic

It is a great album !! We can find everything on this album : experiments with other instruments, influences from other bands and even jazz/jazzfusion ...


Kyng – Burn The Serum

From the upcoming album Burn the Serum – Available April 15 on Razor & Tie. Pre-order the album at [soundcloud url=”;...


THE EXPLOITED – Beat The Bastards

In my “younger” days, I was a big fan of the Exploited. For those who do not remember of know : The Exploited are a Scottish punk rock band from...


Pallbearer – The Legend

[soundcloud url=”; params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_artwork=true” width=”100%”...